/* FILE ARCHIVED ON 17:21:04 Jun 14, 2013 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE INTERNET ARCHIVE ON 12:16:09 Mar 7, 2017. JAVASCRIPT APPENDED BY WAYBACK MACHINE, COPYRIGHT INTERNET ARCHIVE. ALL OTHER CONTENT MAY ALSO BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT (17 U.S.C. SECTION 108(a)(3)). */ // Cookie functions var exitrescueCookie = { set : function(name, value, days) { var date = new Date(); if (days !== undefined && typeof days == "object") { date = days; } else { // Default to a 1 year cookie if (days === undefined) { days = 365; } // Format date string var date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime() + (days * 86400000)); } // Set cookie name, value, and expiration date //window.status = name + "=" + value + "; expires=" + date.toGMTString() + "; path=/"; document.cookie = name + "=" + value + "; expires=" + date.toGMTString() + "; path=/"; }, get : function(name) { // Find the cookie's value in the document cookie string var results = document.cookie.match( new RegExp("(?:^|; )" + name + "=" + "(.*?)(?:$|;)") ); // Return the value if a match was found, undefined otherwise if (results && results.length > 1) { return results[1]; } return undefined; }, clear : function(name) { // Erase a cookie exitrescueCookie.set(name, "", -1); } }; var exitrescue_url, exitrescue_message; var exitrescue_limit, exitrescue_timeout, exitrescue_delay; var exitrescue_click; // Cookie shared with Action PopUp, Action Optin, Action Comments and Exit Rescue var actionCount = parseInt(exitrescueCookie.get("actionCount"), 10); if (exitrescue_delay == undefined) { exitrescue_delay = 0; } else { exitrescue_delay = parseInt(exitrescue_delay); } if (isNaN(exitrescue_delay)) { exitrescue_delay = 0; } function exitrescue_enable() { if (exitrescue_url == undefined) { exitrescue_url = "/web/20130614172104/http://www.supremecashsystem.net"; } if (exitrescue_message == undefined) { exitrescue_message = "Please Wait!\n\nHere is My Offer!"; } if (exitrescue_limit == undefined) { exitrescue_limit = 0; } if (exitrescue_timeout === undefined) { exitrescue_timeout = '1 hour'; } if (isNaN(actionCount)) { actionCount = 0; } if (isNaN(exitrescue_limit)) { exitrescue_limit = 0; } if (exitrescue_limit > 0 && actionCount >= exitrescue_limit) { return; } window.onbeforeunload = function() { actionCount++; var actionTimeObject = new Date(); actionTimeObject = Date.parse('+' + exitrescue_timeout); exitrescueCookie.set("actionCount", actionCount, actionTimeObject); if (exitrescue_url != '') { window.location = exitrescue_url; } if (exitrescue_message == '') { return exitrescue_message + "Click 'Cancel' right now!"; } return exitrescue_message + "\n\nClick 'Cancel' right now!"; } } function exitrescue_disable() { window.onbeforeunload = null; } jQuery(function() { if (exitrescue_delay > 0) { setTimeout("exitrescue_enable();", exitrescue_delay*1000); } else { exitrescue_enable(); } jQuery("a").each(function(i, obj) { var href = jQuery(obj).attr("href"); if (exitrescue_click == undefined || href.match(exitrescue_click)) { jQuery(this).bind("click", exitrescue_disable); } else { /* Do nothing -- do not disable this link */ } }); jQuery("form").each(function(i, obj) { var href = jQuery(obj).attr("action"); if (exitrescue_click != undefined && href.match(exitrescue_click)) { jQuery(this).bind("submit", exitrescue_disable); } else { /* Do nothing -- do not disable this link */ } }); });